Welcome. This blog is sort of like an anime journal or diary for me, but will also hopefully be of some use to others who are interested in anime too. Readers are free to leave responses in the comments, including their own reviews and scores. For the sake of uniformity, here is the rubric I'm using:
Animation (12.5% of score)
Audio (12.5% of score)
Story (75% of score)
9.0-10.0 Masterpiece
8.0-8.9 Great
7.0-7.9 Very Good
6.0-6.9 Good
5.0-5.9 Fine
4.0-4.9 Average
3.0-3.9 Bad
2.0-2.9 Very Bad
1.0-1.9 Horrible
0.0-0.9 Appalling
I try to be completely honest in my reviews. While it's probably more popular or satisfying for the masses if you're strongly for or strongly against a show, I like to highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of everything I watch. As a result most scores have ended up in the 6-8 range, which makes some sense: if I've watched something all the way through, chances are I don't think it's god-awful, even if it doesn't turn out to be a masterpiece. Reviews are as detailed as I can make them without including any big spoilers. When possible I've included links to high quality torrents.
Hope you enjoy the blog!