Title: Shiki
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Supernatural
Episodes: 22 (+2)
Aired: July 2010 - December 2010
Studio: Daume
Director: Tetsuro Amino
Writer: Ono Fuyumi, Ryu Fujisaki
Music: Yasuhara Takanashi
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Supernatural
Episodes: 22 (+2)
Aired: July 2010 - December 2010
Studio: Daume
Director: Tetsuro Amino
Writer: Ono Fuyumi, Ryu Fujisaki
Music: Yasuhara Takanashi
Tatsumi, a servant of the Kirishiki family |
Natsuno and Megumi |
Shiki starts with a common premise. During an especially hot summer in the small and isolated village of Sotoba, a string of unusual deaths occur just as the strange Kirishiki family moves into the old Kanemasa mansion on the outskirts of town. Although the villagers believe a summer cold is going around, the viewer quickly discovers the real cause: the Kirishiki are vampires (okiagari, or "corpse demons" to be precise), and they've decided to make Sotoba their home. This, of course, means killing every last villager. Yet rather than simply glossing over this point and focusing on one or two main characters to the exclusion of others, Shiki details the okiagari's systematic takeover of the village by acquainting us with each villager and their family and then making us sit through their demise. This has the nice effect of making it easier to care about the villagers' losses and the difficult choices they must make, particularly when the dearly departed come knocking on the door, or when the dead must decide whether to attack their loved ones in order to survive. The one downside to this method is that the story sometimes feels slow and drawn out, especially on replay.
Natsuno and Tohru |
Megumi standing before Kanemasa mansion |
Chizuru and Seishirou Kirishiki |
All in all Shiki is superb, offering a well-produced, original, and highly provocative take on the vampire legend. Perhaps most surprisingly, it turned out to be one of the most philosophical anime I've seen. Hopefully in time Shiki's unique take on the nature and deserts of the vampire will have an impact far beyond anime. In the meantime, I encourage everyone to check it out.
Story: 9.3
Animation: 9.5
Audio: 8.3
Overall: 9.2 (Masterpiece)
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